Home is not a place,
it’s a feeling

Home is not a place,
it’s a feeling


We create spaces
people want to live in.

Nonsuch Interior Consultants launched in 2012 and has been well established as an industry leader in décor and design under the guidance of Gaynor Murray. The company success is a reflection of Gaynor’s eclectic design ethos, which balances the aesthetic integrity of each project with the needs and personality of the client. Gaynor’s portfolio includes private residences and corporate spaces – each project taking an individual approach. Her design appeal is that she creates spaces people want to be inspired by.

“Every space should inspire
you to live your best life”

– Hoda


We create spaces
people want to live in.

Nonsuch Interior Consultants launched in 2012 and has been well established as an industry leader in décor and design under the guidance of Gaynor Murray. The company success is a reflection of Gaynor’s eclectic design ethos, which balances the aesthetic integrity of each project with the needs and personality of the client. Gaynor’s portfolio includes private residences and corporate spaces – each project taking an individual approach. Her design appeal is that she creates spaces people want to be inspired by.

“Every space should inspire you to live your best life”

– Hoda

Where science
& art break even.

Where science
& art break even.


What we offer

Interior design / interior architecture / interior decoration / project management / branding

At Nonsuch design is passion and the expert team takes great pleasure in every project it works on. Gaynor and her team is ever-present from the very first concept to the finishing touches and her symbiotic relationship with the architecture ensures an outcome, which is all at once stunning and harmonious.

Our symbiotic approach gives us full access to the architect, builder and landscaper. We provide detailed floor plans and workable drawings while working closely with the team and client to create a harmonious design.

Our interior architecture and design service includes identifying a coherent approach for the space; spatial planning to execute flow and good proportions within a space; room layouts and selection of materials and finishes.

We specialize in turn-key solutions and aim to transform houses into homes and offices into productive hubs where people can be inspired to reach their professional goals. We do kitchen and bathroom designs, bespoke furniture, custom window treatments including curtains and blinds.

Bespoke is synonymous with Nonsuch Interior Consultants and we aim to provide each client with a unique product and service. Our services are tailor-made to each client’s individual needs and budget. No job too big or too small.


What we offer

Interior design / interior architecture / interior decoration / project management / branding

At Nonsuch design is passion and the expert team takes great pleasure in every project it works on. Gaynor and her team is ever-present from the very first concept to the finishing touches and her symbiotic relationship with the architecture ensures an outcome, which is all at once stunning and harmonious.

Our symbiotic approach gives us full access to the architect, builder and landscaper. We provide detailed floor plans and workable drawings while working closely with the team and client to create a harmonious design.

Our interior architecture and design service includes identifying a coherent approach for the space; spatial planning to execute flow and good proportions within a space; room layouts and selection of materials and finishes.

We specialize in turn-key solutions and aim to transform houses into homes and offices into productive hubs where people can be inspired to reach their professional goals. We do kitchen and bathroom designs, bespoke furniture, custom window treatments including curtains and blinds.

Bespoke is synonymous with Nonsuch Interior Consultants and we aim to provide each client with a unique product and service. Our services are tailor-made to each client’s individual needs and budget. No job too big or too small.


& Talented”

We so enjoyed working with Gaynor at Nonsuch Interior Consultants. She is very professional and you can tell she has excellent knowledge and skill and she created our vision while still maintaining the boundaries of our budget. Will definitely recommend Nonsuch Interior Consultants.

Lorein Fryer

“Respect for
your space”

I worked with various different interiors on various projects ranging form offices, homes, holiday homes, guest houses. If you are ever lucky enough to work with the Nonsuch Interior team, this is what you can expect: Respect for you and your space. That is a lot. Expert knowledge of products, material and what works combined with style. People you can trust, wont rip you o and always go the extra mile. Gaynor shares your dream of creating a space to make memories with your loved ones – how do you beat that?

I promise you, there is no way you can go wrong!

Franciska De Klerk

“Passionate, professional
& dedicated”

My journey with Gaynor and her team at Nonsuch Interiors has been nothing short of exceptional. Seven years ago, Gaynor helped me on a home renovation project, and I have never looked back. Time after time, I have been blown away by her unwavering attention to detail, professionalism, and creativity. Gaynor’s ability to blend old with new is simply stunning. She takes the time to truly understand my vision and ensures that everything comes together seamlessly. From the furniture and decor to the paint colours and lighting, every detail is expertly chosen and arranged to create a cohesive and beautiful space.

But it’s not just about the end result – Gaynor and her team make the entire process an absolute joy. They are always available to answer questions and are incredibly flexible and accommodating when it comes to making changes or adjustments. Overall, I cannot recommend Nonsuch Interiors enough. If you are looking for a team that is passionate, professional, and dedicated to making your space look its best, look no further. Thank you, Gaynor and team, for making my house look absolutely gorgeous!

Chanelle van Dyk

“Leaves no
stone unturned”

We have used Gaynor as Interior Consultant for the past 14 years. The projects varied from small student apartments to extensive family houses. She is creative in the understanding of the specific needs of every project. She leaves no stone unturned to make a project an enjoyable and smooth experience for a customer. Creativity with Pride!



Hallo Gaynor, Sandra en John, baie dankie dat julle onder druk my so help het om alles in die kamer reg te kry. Die gordyne lyk baie mooi en ek het ‘n halfuur voor ek my ma gaan haal het gister 11 uur nog gaan blomme koop en die laaste spykers ingeslaan. Sy was baie gelukkig om al haar bekende goed te sien!

Karin Franzen


Gaynor loop al ‘n lang pad saam ons gesin. Syt ‘n kreatiewe oog en ‘n oplossing vir elke behoefte. Bo en behalwe dit kan sy vir jou enige iets vind en is fantasties om nuut en oud te meng. Dit is ‘n plesier om saam haar te werk en ek kan met gemoedsrus enige projek in haar hande plaas. Haar naverkoopsdiens is ook uitstekend en sy is altyd beskikbaar en bereidwillig om te help met enige iets.

Devin & Mareli Binedell


Ek en my Man het ‘n verlief geraak op die klein spasie beweging. Ons was opsoek na ‘n klein huis wat nie op wiele is of in iemand se tuin is nie. En so vind ons ons droom klein huis. ‘n Klein losstaande meenthuis (53m2) wat baie aandag en liefde nodig gehad. Ons glo absoluut, dat alles eers funksioneel moet werk en dan kan ons werk om dit mooi te maak. Dus moes elke sentimeter optimaal werk en veeldoelig wees. Na twee jaar van in die huis bly en baie dink en beplan het ons Gaynor van NonSuch Interiors benader omdat sy destyds my Man se kantoor so mooi oorgedoen het en ons iemand nodig gehad het om al ons idees te finaliseer.

My Man het haar spesifiek gebruik omdat sy genoem het dat geen spasie te klein of te groot is nie. En beide sy kantoor en ons huis is aan die (baie) klein kant. Ons het baie gehou van haar vorige projekte asook haar benadering en bo op alles, het sy ons aan ‘n wonderlike kontrakteur, Andri Smit, voorgestel. Soos genoem het ons reeds ‘n baie goeie idee gehad van die uitleg en hoe ons huis moes lyk. Gaynor het ons behoeftes verstaan en ons gehelp om al die punte bymekaar te bring. Dit was ‘n wonderlike ervaring om saam met haar na al die verskillende teëls, vloere en lap te kyk en om te sien hoe sy alles bymekaar sit.

Ons is baie baie gelukkig met ons huis, en wonder soms of ons ooit sal wil trek, want alles in ons huis werk so lekker en dan is dit so mooi! Daar is ‘n gesegde dat wanneer jy op vakansie gaan, jy die verblyf ordeel aan jou eie huis se standaard. Gegrond op die bogenoemde stelling, kan ons beslis sê dat dit vir ons lekkerder is by die huis as op vakansie. Baie dankie Gaynor vir al jou hulp en geduld! Ons het so baie geleer en ons bly so lekker!

Die Lourense

“Turning dreams into
vibrant realities”

We had the privilege of working with Gaynor for the first time in 2021. Gaynor’s passionate approach transformed our townhouse into a masterpiece that we absolutely love spending time in. Now in 2024, as we embark on a new chapter in our bigger family home, there was no question about it – we wouldn’t dare to transform the space without Gaynor’s flair! Gaynor’s vision, creative advice and expertise breathe life into our spaces, turning dreams into vibrant realities.

Pieter en Marli Cronje